researchers based at European marine science park sitting  in of picturesque landscape and waterfront

Looking for help to grow?

We can tailor our support and premises to suit your needs and help you become part of our thriving community.

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Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is the economic and community development agency for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. We have been working with organisations and communities for over 50 years to ensure the region remains successful and competitive.

We’re here to help businesses of all sizes grow and prosper in our region. We have numerous powers at our disposal, including financial support, business planning and development, and the ability to help you make those all so important business connections.

We can support businesses looking to locate within our region and that includes those looking to make the move to European Marine Science Park in Argyll.

Find out more about us below or get in touch to see how we can help you. 




How HIE help organisations


Additional Public Sector Support

As well as support from HIE, there are other public services across Scotland available to help you start, grow and develop your business here. 

Find Business Support

The Find Business Support website is a collection of public sector support from across Scotland. It includes support available to businesses and communities from government, its agencies and partners.

Find out more 

Business Gateway

Business Gateway offers free and impartial business advice to anyone wanting to start up or develop a business within Argyll and Bute.

Find out more

Our Partners

Life science sector organisations help support business growth and marine cluster development. Find out more about some of our partners below.

Meet the team

Our team at Highlands and Islands Enterprise are available to support you on you journey. We have a range of discretionary support, including property and funding to help you make the move.

Morag Goodfellow Resized

Morag Goodfellow is HIE's area manager for Argyll and the Islands. She leads our local development team and the development of the European Marine Science Park. 


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Lucinda Gray is head of project and partnerships for HIE. She works closely with businesses at the European Marine Science Park.



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